DSOP New Feature: Service Rejection with Written Explanation

ServeManager's newest feature, Digital Service Of Process (DSOP for short) has been a popular new addition that helps process servers continue their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. While still in the beta stage, we have received some great feedback from our users on how to improve the functionality of the feature. Our latest update to DSOP gives the recipient the ability to reject the digital service while providing a written explanation as to their dismissal.

After clicking the email link and being brought to the secure portal, recipients now have the option to reject the service of process by clicking "I cannot accept this digital service."

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Clicking this link brings them to a screen where they will type their full name, state their title, and provide a written explanation as to why they cannot accept the service.

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After submitting the rejection, the digital service status page will update and display the information provided by the recipient.

dsop rejection

We included this feature to help facilitate communication between the server and the recipient/registered agent if necessary. This way, the recipient/registered agent can share with the server their concerns or issues without requiring either side of the scenario to call the other.  

As always, users can submit any questions, concerns, feedback, and requests on our contact page on our Support Site.


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