Immediately sign affidavits with a Digital Signature, at work or in the field. Email a signed affidavit to your client within minutes of serving the papers.
Save time by selecting a default template for new affidavits, under My Account > Settings.
A watermark has been added to Draft and Paid invoices, so you can quickly see the status.
Now you can edit the display name for each Misc Attachment, in case the filename is too long or nondescript.
Invoice filters are now consistent on both the Receivables tab and the Invoices tab for companies. The sorting for each filter has been updated as well to make it easier to view and find invoices.
The Process Server name has been added on the mobile site, so Owners and Admins can see who is responsible for each job.
Now you can change the default setting to hide the Notary Block on new affidavits.
Only the job creator can fully edit a shared job. However, each company can now update their Client, Process Server and Misc Attachments.
Track your monthly job count by viewing a graph of jobs created over the last six months.
An Aging Summary has been added to the Account Aging tab. The Aging Summary shows the total for all accounts for each aging category, as well as the total open balance for all accounts.
Pick and choose which job updates to email, and who they are sent to. Email notifications can be sent for Notes, Attempts and Affidavits.
Now you can add, view and edit affidavits on the mobile site. Just select a job and expand the Affidavits section.
While viewing the Addresses for a job, you can tap on each address to open a map of the location before you make the service attempt.
Now you can attach photos to jobs from a smartphone or tablet.
A Settings tab has been added under My Account.